Latest updated hot news about Six Killed In Jersey Knife Attack from

The scene in Jersey where five people are dead and one is fighting for his life Photo: SKY
7:26PM BST 14 Aug 2011
Police were called to a flat at Victoria Crescent, Upper Midvale Road, St
Helier, just after 3pm amid reports of a multiple stabbing.
States of Jersey Police confirmed that six people had died.
The victims are two women, two men and two young children who are believed to
be Jersey residents but whose identities have not been disclosed.
A 30-year-old man is under arrest at the same hospital where he is also
recovering from surgery, police said in a statement tonight.
A major incident room has been set up at police headquarters in St Helier.
A number of witnesses have come forward and police are working to identify the
Forensic officers were at the scene, with uniformed officers and detectives.
Head of crime services Stewart Gull, who is leading the inquiry, said: "Clearly
this complex investigation is in its very early stages as we try to
establish exactly what happened.
"We are appealing to anyone who may have any information to contact us.
"We are mindful, too, of the impact of any such serious and tragic
incident on the local community, and we have police officers in the area to
support the investigation and local people."
Eyewitness Andre Thorpe said he arrived in Victoria Crescent in St Helier at
about 3pm this afternoon.
He said: "For Jersey it was a major incident. Two ambulances turned up
first because it was within a quarter of mile of the ambulance station.
"Then four or five police vehicles came, all blues and twos.
"They were trying to access a private house in the crescent. It was an
old Victorian terrace, a lot of them are split into flats.
"I saw police come running out with a child, it was a small child, I just
saw the legs. They went off in an ambulance.
"When the paramedic came back her shirt was covered in blood.
"We have quick response ambulance cars and two pulled up grabbed a kit
and ran inside."
Mr Thorpe also said he saw police taking a dog round various driveways.
He added that the area where the incident happened was quite secluded and not
on a main road.
He said: "You have to drive up a dead end to get in, you would not happen
to be passing. I was in the area collecting a friend's car.
"I was first aware something was happening when I saw people looking out
for the ambulances as I walked up the road."
Mr Thorpe said he believed all the victims were members of the same family.
A neighbour said she believed the family were Polish.
Jersey Hospital said that its emergency department remains open following the
incident. A further statement is expected later.

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